Book Club: Autobiography of a Yogi
By Paramhansa Yogananda
70th Anniversary Edition
ISBN: 978-1-5192-9660-3
Given the vast number of books on my bookshelves, and the vast numbers yet to be read in full, it is a rare book that I undertake to read a second time. This book is one of those select few. The reason - it changed my life.
The first time I read the book, I was open to the concepts covered yet had very little understanding of the full importance this narrative shares. Yogananda creates a wonderfully anecdotal work of several important times in his life. He includes a number of stories that many in the West would feel were fantastical or even impossible. Since I am happy to consider magic and miracles as part of our human makeup, this was not a far stretch for me. It even gave me hope that we could redeem ourselves as human beings and learn to be kindly evolved beings.
This second reading came at a time of incredible synchronicities in my life. I feel as if the Universe is opening doors all over the place and leading me down the rabbit hole. As I re-read this book, I was amazed to be reminded of some of the predictions this amazing yogi gave regarding the technologies of the future. I am seeing them come to fruition now. While the book was published in 1946, he had already spoken of these predictions over the course of his life.
One of the greatest take-aways for me is a reiteration of the idea that human beings are part of a flow of energy and are capable of much more than we currently can fathom. This thought has been part of my ideology for decades, but I seem to be having it reinforced from all directions as of late. I really feel this great guru is reaching through time and space to give me a push towards even more love and light.
May you be blessed with your own expanded consciousness. Namaste.