What It Means to Explore the Hidden Messages in this Website

Welcome, Journeyer. You are here because some force in your life wants you to have more information. So, the gift of this website is to offer you a chance to go on a quest. You will only be pointed in the direction. The journey itself is for you. How you approach it, your attitude, and the energy you exert is entirely up to you. You will not be told what you have to do when you find a pathway - only to explore the path.

Every page in this website has links for you to find. They open up different pages or may take you to whole other websites. Wherever you are taken is where you are meant to go. And, know that the links will change. What you find one day or week or month will be different at another time. You may find just one piece of the map and be satisfied, or you may find yourself looking for everything you can.

Some of what you find may inspire or support your belief systems. Some things may push your buttons. You may agree or disagree with what you discover. There is no correct way to explore other than to keep an open mind. Question everything. Know for yourself. And, enjoy the journey.

Jan 4, 2021

Paula Carnegie Fehr

Health and wellness for body, mind, heart & soul since 1997. Paula is a dedicated student and practitioner of many wellness modalities and continues to add to her skillset.


Crystal Quest - Citrine


Mars 29 Aries