Sky Patterns
Every night when I let my dog out, I look up at the sky. Fortunately for me, living in Alberta provides many nights with reasonably clear skies and I can see the stars. They are faint because of the city lights, but they still fill me with awe.
I’m sure each person sees their own pictures in the stars. There are many sky myths from the world over, and being north or south of the equator provides unique viewing angles and different pictures. For some reason, knowing about the stars and planets seems to be a shared experience between all people of the Earth.
The Zodiac Belt is the most well known set of pictures in the sky as it’s accessible from almost every location on the planet. What’s amazing is how many people seem to share a common connection to the various star constellations comprising the Zodiac Belt. The stars in each constellation do change position, so in the thousands of years since they’ve been charted and named, they have physically moved and morphed in space. But humans continue to connect their symbols to the different constellations.
What makes a Big or Little Dipper? What makes a crab or a bull or a weigh scale? And what do these patterns actually mean? I’m sure archetypes create an internal shared experience, but your quest is to understand it’s meaning for yourself. Learn about the Zodiac sign you are born under. It doesn’t matter what system… Western, Eastern, Shamanistic, Vedic. Look up the constellation to see what it looks like to you and then think about how that might symbolize different facets of your personality, the way you act in life, how you react, what you enjoy and think about. Then look up the meanings traditionally associated with that sign. See if the two have any connection.
March 6, 2021